Basics of Python programming

  • What is Python?

    Python is an object-oriented, interactive, high-level interpreted programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum between 1985 and 1990. Like Perl, the Python source code is also available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The reason for Python's popularity is due to Big Data, Data mining, AI, IOT, Machine Learning, etc.

    Python is supported by a large scientific community and academic institutions that have developed many libraries that make working with Python easier.

    Python is a scripting and dynamically typed language, so it's often easier to start a small project.

  • How Python evolved over the time?

    The Python programming language was designed in the late 1980s and its implementation was launched in December 1989 by Guido van Rossum of CWI in the Netherlands as a successor to ABC capable of handling exceptions. and interface with the Amoeba operating system.

    Van Rossum is the lead author of Python, and his continued pivotal role in setting Python's direction is reflected in the title given to him by the Python community.

    Python 2.0 was released on October 16, 2000, with many major new features, including cycle-detecting garbage collection (in addition to reference counting) for memory management and Unicode support. The biggest change, however, is to the development process itself, with a shift to a more transparent and community-supported process.

    Python 3.0, a major version incompatible with earlier versions, was released on December 3, 2008 after a long period of testing. Many of its key features have also been backward-supported to Python 2.6 and 2.7, backwards compatible, although not currently supported.

  • Features of Python

    1. Easy to Learn

    2. Interpreted

    3. Large standard library available

    4. Portable

    5. Free and Open Source

    6. Interactive Mode

    7. Extendable

    8. Databases

    9. GUI Programming

    10. Scalable

  • Python frameworks

    1. Django

    2. Flask

    3. Pyramid

    4. Bottle

    5. Tornado

  • Software companies using Python?

    1. Google

    2. Facebook

    3. Instagram

    4. Spotify

    5. Netflix

    6. Dropbox

    7. Quora

    8. Reddit
    The list goes on.....

  • Conclusion

    With the above qualities Python became programmers favourite and used heavily in the software industry. <br.

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